Lots of DJs don’t have websites because it typically involves the hassle of hiring a designer, getting web hosting, keeping everything maintained and up to date. Even if you’re knowledgeable in these areas, the amount of time required to set up and maintain your site is, without a doubt, immense. Enter Toneden.
Making It Easy
Toneden is by far the easiest way to get a DJ site up and running that we’ve come across. Simply enter your soundcloud / twitter / facebook credentials and Toneden will take care of the rest. This makes it easy to keep your site updated, because as you use those networks, the updates get published on your Toneden site. You can enter your bio and contact information as well, making it easy for people to learn about you and hit you up for gigs/shows.
Going Premium
The best features of the site are unlocked once you sign up for the premium plan: social media analytics and a one sheet generator. The analytics let you know where your fans are and what networks are growing the most. The one sheet gets automatically generated as you add new content to the page. The cost of a premium plan is about $5/month – which is very reasonable (and cheaper than the cost of web hosting alone)
Have Questions? Get Answers.
Toneden’s most underrated feature may be the support you get and how you can get help setting everything up. I got an email right after signing up (which was probably automated), but I replied to it and got an answer right away. In fact it started an entire conversation and I got all my questions answered immediately.
Check It Out
Check out Toneden, especially if you don’t already have a website in place. It’s pretty much all you need to get started, and very well could end up being your new home on the internet.
Thanks to DJ Yona for the heads up Toneden.