Can Enough People On The Internet Convince Panasonic To Bring Back Technics 1200s?
That’s what the originators of this petition hope will happen. I’ve seen this petition floating around the internet in my social feeds the past few days and while part of me hopes it could happen, I have to play pessimist here for moment and ask you guys: do you really think this will work? can we possibly get panasonic to bring back technics 1200s again for one more run?
What If It Works?
So what if by some magical happening, the higher ups at panasonic look at all of us interested in reviving the 1200s and say “ok, ok, you win, we’re going to start up the factory again!” One of two things is going to happen: 1) they’ll be available, but only for a limited time and 2) they’ll be more expensive than they’ve ever been. As an aside I’m sure everyone will buy them up on the initial run resulting in pretty high resale prices
Are you okay with that? With paying more for the same thing that’s on your desk right now? I hope so, because the law of supply and demand suggests that you will indeed pay more.
But we could be wrong and they could be back into somewhat permanent production at a normal price. Obviously those of us that consider ourselves to be purists are excited
Anyway, I want to know everyone’s thoughts. Did you sign the petition? What do you think will come of it?