Looks like Smirnoff is launching the world’s first reality show based entirely on DJing. The show features some respected names in the DJ world such as DJ Scratch, Rich Medina, Jazzy Joyce, DJ Mars, DJ Rap, DJ Revolution, and Vikter Duplaix. Â As if those names weren’t respectable enough, the show will be judged by Kid Capri and hosted by Just Blaze.
They will be competing in major US cities to see who can rock the clubs the best, which will be interesting because some of those names are not known for rocking mainstream, big-room parties.
It’ll be interesting to see what kinds of discussions will be had about new and emerging DJ technologies, and how the group feels about digital DJs in general.
The big question though, will this show help the general public better understand what DJing is about, and aid in the overall respect level of our field? What do you think?
The show will air Wednesdays at 10:30 p.m. ET beginning 11/3 on Centric, a 24-hour music and entertainment channel aimed at the African American audience. The show re-airs on Saturday nights at midnight ET on BET.
[via RBR]